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Building Your Management Team

To build a growing, profitable, smooth running multimillion-dollar contracting business, you need to run your business more like the CEO of a large corporation than the small company you used to be. Corporate CEO’s have mastered the art of running highly complex companies with hundreds of thousands of employees by running the business through a management team of trusted key managers.

The future success of your business and your sanity depend on your ability to become the CEO in your business and develop the right management team run your company. If you execute this strategy successfully, you’ll increase your capacity to grow dramatically and free up time for you to do the other things that you want to do in your life. If you don’t, your business will flounder and your headaches and hours at work will grow. It’s that important.

I will walk you through Springboard’s proven step-by-step process to help you:

Assume the Role of CEO in Your Business

When I ask most owners of multimillion dollar contracting businesses what their job description is, the most common answer I get is “That’s simple…I do everything!”

If I do everything is your job description too, this could be one of the major sources of lost potential, slow growth, stress and frustration in your business. These “everything” tasks eat up your day and keep you from doing the things that you, as the owner, need to do to grow your business. By trying to do everything and manage everything, you’ve actually become the bottleneck that is holding your business back!

I will help you define exactly what your role needs to be to support your business success. Then, I’ll coach you through the challenging transition process of letting go of doing everything and running your business through others. I’ll also help you develop the CEO leadership skills and management processes that you need to successfully run your business today or when it’s 10 times the size.

Build and Empower a Team of Trusted Managers to Help You Run the Business

You can’t fully embrace your role of a CEO until you’ve built a management team that you can trust to take ownership of responsibilities that you used to do yourself. I’ll walk you through every step in the process of building, empowering and managing your management team including:

  • Defining the right management roles for your company so that every priority in the company has a clear owner and nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Staffing your management team – either promoting from within, hiring or outsourcing – so that you have the team you need with the background and skills to become your trusted key managers.
  • Ensuring that each of your managers is crystal clear on their role, the results they are responsible for and how to impact your company’s success.
  • Developing your management team’s management skills to help them take full ownership of their function, successfully manage their people and achieve their goals.
  • Molding your key managers into a cohesive, coordinated team.

Creating a trusted management team will require some restructuring, possibly some hard people choices and will take time to support them as they transition into their roles. But the results are worth it. When you give them the right structure, tools and support, you’ll be thrilled with how well they’ll rise to the occasion and take full ownership of their roles. And imagine how great it will be to have a trusted team to share the load of building your business!

Here’s How We’ve Helped Other Businesses.

Since working with Bill we have gone from losing money to a 6-figure profit and our business has grown more than 20%. It’s incredible. Working with Bill has been a great investment.

Bill’s tools and techniques reduced the struggle and helped me get and retain new customers. While working with Bill, my sales increased 40%, even though the price wars were brutal.

Bill’s constant guidance and insight has helped us make decisions that were instrumental in greatly improving our business and making us happier more fulfilled people.

-Rick Holtz, HJ Holtz and Son Painting

-Warren Hoffman, Hoffman Interior Painting

-Chelsea Cleary, United Security