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Aligning Your Employees With Your Vision

To harness the full potential of your business, it’s critical that you get everyone in the different parts of your business aligned and working together toward your vision and goals.

Lack of alignment is a major source of chaos, inefficiency and profit drain in most companies. And the bigger your company gets, and the faster it’s growing, the harder it is to get everyone aligned and keep them aligned.

Focusing on organizational alignment has been a major success factor in helping my clients dramatically improve their profit while reducing their work hours and putting more ease and fun back into their lives. And it can have the same impact in your business.

I will help you tackle the key alignment problems that keep your business from hitting on all cylinders so that everyone in your business is working together like a finely tuned machine.

Together we will:

Engage your field employees and support staff.

You and your management team can be fully engaged in your goals and plans, but if you don’t get your field employees and support staff in the boat rowing in the same direction with you, your business will underperform. Your field employees and support staff play a key roles in helping you grow and be profitable, so it’s important that they all know what your vision and plans are and specifically how they can contribute.

I have a whole toolkit of strategies to get everyone personally aligned and invested in the success of your business to:

  • Understand and embrace your vision and plans
  • Know the key actions that they must take to excel in their jobs and maximize the value they create for your company.
  • Motivate and empower them to work effectively and car about your company more as if it was their own.

Strengthen the links between jobs so work moves efficiently through your business.

While many businesses spend considerable time and money training their people in different functions to be more effective, they often overlook the linkages between different functions and the linkages between different levels of the business.

But these linkages are critical too and are the root cause of many of the problems and disruptions in your business. If there are poor handoffs between sales and operations about the scope of the work and exclusions on each job, for example, this can anger your customers and cost you thousands. Or if there’s poor linkage between management and the field on an important goal so that that the field doesn’t know what the goal is and what they need to do to achieve it, then your chances of success will be low.

I’ll work extensively with you and your team to ferret out the problem linkages and strengthen them to improve the coordinated execution across your business.

Keep everyone aligned, focused and motivated throughout the year.

Alignment is not a once and done thing. You need to be relentless to keep your team focused and working together throughout the year. I will help you design and implement the right management process, communication plans, performance management system and incentives to keep everyone’s efforts focused on meeting or exceeding goals.

Here’s How We’ve Helped Other Businesses.

Since working with Bill we have gone from losing money to a 6-figure profit and our business has grown more than 20%. It’s incredible. Working with Bill has been a great investment.

Bill’s tools and techniques reduced the struggle and helped me get and retain new customers. While working with Bill, my sales increased 40%, even though the price wars were brutal.

Bill’s constant guidance and insight has helped us make decisions that were instrumental in greatly improving our business and making us happier more fulfilled people.

-Rick Holtz, HJ Holtz and Son Painting

-Warren Hoffman, Hoffman Interior Painting

-Chelsea Cleary, United Security