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Hi, I’m Bill Silverman, Owner of Springboard Business Coaching


I specialize in coaching contractors with multimillion dollar businesses, who feel challenged by the demands of running a complex multi-million dollar business and who know that they have untapped potential in their business that they just can’t seem to harness.  If that’s you, you are definitely in the right place. In a nutshell, I help my clients restructure their businesses, learn new management skills and implement the strategies needed to sustain a thriving, profitable multi-million dollar business and a balanced life as a leading business consultant for contractors.

I’m happy to say that my clients get many expected and unexpected benefits from our partnership, such as:

  • 15% – 30% increases in sales
  • Up to six-figure increases in profit
  • 20% to 30% more free time to spend doing other things they love
  • A greater feeling of control and personal accomplishment at work every day
  • Having more fun at work

I am able to deliver these results thanks to my education and years of experience that helped me gain invaluable business insights, as well as my unique approach to business coaching tailored specifically for the needs of contractors with million dollar and larger businesses.

Read my clients’ success stories to find out more about what difference working with me made in their businesses and lives.

How I Became a Business Coach

Bill and DadThere’s a lot at stake when your business isn’t performing the way you want it to.

Of course, there’s the money—often hundreds of thousands of dollars. But the ripple effects on you, your family and your team can be huge as well; I know this from personal experience. My dad was a business owner. And like many small business owners, he worked unbelievable hours and traveled Monday through Friday about half the year, so we didn’t get to see him much. And during the little time that we did spend together he was often frustrated and stressed out. Naturally, this had an impact on me, my mom and my brother.

So when I became a business coach, I made it my mission to understand what makes businesses stall out and underperform, and I created a custom coaching system that has helped my clients add hundreds of thousands to their bottom lines, cut their work hours by 20+% and significantly reduce their stress and frustration.

What Makes Me Different

I have a unique perspective on what it takes to be successful in running a multimillion dollar contracting business that I’ve gained from my 25 years of experience in executive positions in marketing, human resources and business development at companies like Marriott and CIGNA, as well as from my PHD in Human Resources. I’ve learned the successful business practices of CEOs in multi-million dollar corporations and I’ve built them into my outside-the-box coaching process.

And, unlike most industry coaches and consultants who only work on your contracting business practices, I also help develop you as the owner and leader of your business. I’ll help you upgrade your ownership and leadership skills to maximize your success in running your multimillion dollar business.

I’ll also help you identify and eliminate limiting business mindsets that you might not be aware of, that can severely restrict your growth and make running your company much harder that it needs to be.

What it’s Like to Work With Me

Working with me is a collaborative process. I’ll work with you one-on-one to implement a complete, customized coaching program tailored to your specific business needs and challenges. I’ll act as your guide and strategic partner to help you be a great owner and leader of the business you really want.

My clients say that I have the unique ability to cut through the chaos to pinpoint and solve the real problems that are holding your business back. They’ll also tell you that I’m a good listener, a teacher who can boil down complex concepts into step-by-step coaching and that my objectivity, straightforward truth-telling and accountability have helped them tackle the difficult challenges of building a successful multi-million dollar contracting business. I also like to have some fun along the way!

Together we’ll create a business that you’re proud of—a business that’s a true reflection of you, your needs, vision and values, not the business that some industry guru says you should have.

If you’re at a point in the life of your business where you are ready to do what it takes to create the business you really want, I’d love to talk to you.

Contact me or fill out the form to get immediate access to a recording of my free webinar and get an idea about my coaching style.

I look forward to speaking with you!


Here’s How We’ve Helped Other Businesses.

Since working with Bill we have gone from losing money to a 6-figure profit and our business has grown more than 20%. It’s incredible. Working with Bill has been a great investment.

Bill’s tools and techniques reduced the struggle and helped me get and retain new customers. While working with Bill, my sales increased 40%, even though the price wars were brutal.

Bill’s constant guidance and insight has helped us make decisions that were instrumental in greatly improving our business and making us happier more fulfilled people.

-Rick Holtz, HJ Holtz and Son Painting

-Warren Hoffman, Hoffman Interior Painting

-Chelsea Cleary, United Security